Call to worship:
7 The works of his hands are faithful and just;
all his precepts are trustworthy;
8 they are established forever and ever,
to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness.
9 He sent redemption to his people;
he has commanded his covenant forever.
Holy and awesome is his name!
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
all those who practice it have a good understanding.
His praise endures forever!Psalm 111:7-10
Gathering Video
Questions for reflection:
What hope does the resurrection bring?
How are we to apply the good news of the return of Christ to everyday life?
What handles have you developed to grow in hope and holiness?
Corporate Prayer:
Our Father in Heaven,
We praise you for the work of Jesus, our Savior and Lord. We confess our need for strength, patience, wisdom and love as we walk in this world. Please fill us with your Spirit to live in the power and freedom of the gospel while we wait for Your return.
In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.
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